Submit a Proposal to Co-Host
BMES introduces the Student Smart Stage — a virtual, one-day, conference-like experience where selected Student Chapters will co-host a Student Smart Stage event with BMES.
Like our Annual Meeting process, we accept special session submissions for talks, networking events, workshops, or programs you'd like to present. Each special session must be a submission by the Student Chapter — not an individual. We will accept submissions on a rolling basis, as we intend to develop many of these mini-conferences throughout the year.
BMES will choose Student Chapters, and those chapters will work with BMES staff to develop their Student Smart Stage presentations. This means you do not have to outline an entire day worth of content, but maybe one or two events, programs, or workshops you are passionate about.
BMES will provide the following support:
- Webinar Program Software
- Zoom Room Hosting
- Slack / Discord
- Landing Page on BMES Website
- Marketing Research
- Set Budget
Abstract Ideas (not limited to):
- Networking Events
- Games
- Workshops
- Panels
- Research Presentations
- Diversity and Inclusion Events
- Mini-Competitions
- Industry Talks
Several meetings will be arranged between BMES staff and the selected student teams. BMES will provide funds (maximum of $800 per event) in addition to networking resources, marketing, and the use of BMES’s slack, zoom webinar programs, and a landing page on our website.
Your proposal must include:
- Student Chapter Name
- Point of contact — Name and Email
- Point of contact 2 — Name and Email
- Title of session
- Type of session (e.g., workshop, symposium, panel, etc.)
- Brief description of how you envision the session
- Proposed budget
- How does the special session serve BMES attendees?
If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please click the button below:
If your chapter’s proposal is selected, will contact you to schedule an onboarding meeting and a mentor from the Student Affairs Subcommittee. After that initial meeting, event planning will begin, and subsequent meetings will take place until the Student Smart Stage goes live. Each team will have a maximum of eight weeks to develop their program