BMES Robert A. Pritzker Distinguished Lectureship Award
Deadline: March 21, 2025 at 11:59PM ET

The BMES Robert A. Pritzker Distinguished Lectureship Award, previously named the BMES Distinguished Lecture Award, was founded in 1991 to recognize biomedical engineering achievement.
This award is BMES's premier recognition. Each year, the Society bestows this prestigious award to individuals who have demonstrated impactful leadership and accomplishments in biomedical engineering science and practice. The award recipient will have the opportunity to deliver a plenary lecture at the BMES Annual Meeting in the fall and publish an article in the Annals of Biomedical Engineering. The lecture should critically review a field within biomedical engineering and offer a vision for its future.
NOMINATIONS DEADLINE: Friday, March 21, 2025 at 11:59PM ET
For questions, please contact
Application Information
Application Requirements
1. The applicant's CV (not to exceed ten pages). Note: The full CV may also be uploaded in addition to the condensed one.
2. A letter describing the nominee's service to biomedical engineering through significant contributions within academia, industry, or government settings. Note: The awardee's contributions are not required to precede the award date by a specific amount of time.
3. Three letter(s) of support, but no more than five. (Letters should not be longer than two pages each)
4. The nominee must be a BMES member in good standing. -
Award RubricTo view the award rubric, click here.
Award and Honorarium
This recipient receives complimentary registration for the Annual Meeting, where they will present their lecture, a trophy, and an honorarium of $12,000.
**The Awards Committee will screen all nominations, critically evaluate the nominee's records, and submit its recommendation to the BMES Executive Committee for approval.
2025 - Dr. Linda Griffith, PhD - MIT Department of Biological Engineering
2024 - Kyriacos Athanasiou, PhD - UCI Samueli School of Engineering
2023 - Tejal Desai, PhD - Brown University
2022 - Cato T. Laurencin, MD, PhD - University of Connecticut
2021 - Nancy Allbritton, MD, PhD - University of Washington
2020 - P. Hunter Peckham, PhD - Case Western Reserve University
2019 - Christopher Chen, MD, PhD - Boston University
2018 - Rashid Bashir, PhD - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2017 - Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic, PhD - Columbia University
2016 - Nicholas Peppas, ScD - University of Texas at Austin
2015 - Martin Yarmush, MD, PhD - Rutgers University
2014 - James J. Collins, PhD - Boston University
2013 - Ashutosh Chilkoti, PhD - Duke University
2012 - Ajit P. Yoganathan, PhD – Georgia Institute of Technology
2011 - Michael Shuler - Cornell University
2010 - Rebecca Richards-Kortum - Rice University
2009 - Don Ingber - Harvard University
2008 - Buddy Ratner - University of Washington
2007 - Antonios Mikos - Rice University
2006 - Daniel Hammer - University of Pennsylvania
2005 - Peter G. Katona - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2004 - Mark Saltzman - Yale University
2003 - Douglas A. Lauffenburger - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2002 - Gerald Pollak - University of Washington
2001 - Yoram Rudy - Case Western Reserve University
2000 - Murray B. Sachs - John Hopkins University
1999 - John H. Linehan - Whitaker Foundation
1998 - Jen-Shih Lee - University of Virginia
1997 - Sheldon Weinbaum - The City College of New York
1996 - Marcos Intaglietta - University of California
1995 - Rakesh K. Jain - Harvard Medical School
1994 - Robert S. Langer - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1993 - J. David Hellums - Rice University
1992 - Pierre Galletti - Brown University
1991 - Thomas Harris - Vanderbilt University