Have questions? We've got answers.
What is the Biomedical Engineering Society?
The Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) is an interdisciplinary society established on February 1, 1968, in response to a manifest need to provide a society representing both biomedical and engineering interests. The ongoing vision of the Society is to be recognized as the preeminent professional society for biomedical engineering and bioengineering. The Society’s mission is to provide value to its members and other constituencies by promoting the increase and utilization of biomedical engineering and bioengineering knowledge and by working for the advancement of the profession. Learn more about the history of BMES.
What are the benefits of BMES membership?
There are too many to list here! Learn more about BMES Membership.
Who are the members of BMES?
BMES members are the leaders and future leaders in biomedical engineering and bioengineering. Members are actively engaged in biomedical engineering research, development, and education. BMES has several membership levels and types - students (from high school through post-doc), to those just starting out in the field to professionals and those who earned the BMES Grade of Fellow.
Should students join BMES?
Absolutely! In addition to member benefits, students can start a BMES chapter on campus! Learn more about student chapters.
How do I join BMES?
Easy! Join BMES today!
I am an international applicant. How does this affect my membership dues?
International members pay the same fees as those in the United States.
I am a student about to graduate. How does this affect my membership status?
If you are an undergraduate who will be entering a graduate program in biomedical engineering or a related field, you still qualify for student membership. If you have decided to start your post-doc, you're considered a student. If you are an undergraduate or graduate who is beginning your career, you now qualify for early-career membership.
Is there a BMES student chapter on my campus? If not, how can I start a chapter?
BMES has over 100 active student chapters. If there are no chapters near you, you may form a new chapter. Student chapters must have at least 10 members who are current, active members of BMES and a faculty adviser who is a Fellow or Member of BMES. You can view a complete list of Student Chapters found on the Student Chapters page.
Does BMES offer scholarships for students in biomedical engineering?
BMES does not have any scholarship programs. We do offer travel awards to participate in the BMES Annual Meeting and research and design awards for students presenting papers at the meeting.
Have we answered your question? If you have additional questions or would like additional information, please contact BMES at membership@bmes.org or call 301-459-1999.