Student Chapter Information
Student Chapter Overview
BMES students are the core of our membership, and we want to help you succeed! Each link below goes to a student chapter-specific webpage with supporting information to help you navigate all aspects of being a compliant BMES Student Chapter.
Role of Student Chapters
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The Biomedical Engineering Society's student chapters are the foundation for our society, uniting and promoting the future of the biomedical engineering profession. For rising biomedical engineers, these chapters provide opportunities to establish leadership skills, boost your resume, network, publish, and participate in a wide range of career-enhancing activities.
Student Chapter Objectives
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- Introduce students to the profession of biomedical engineering and how it relates to other engineering disciplines.
- Educating students about the role and impact BMES can have on their professional careers.
- Prepare students as they advance into the biomedical engineering profession.
- Expand student knowledge of specific tools and techniques used in biomedical engineering and other related fields.
- Develop leadership abilities and professional qualities among the student members.
- Provide an environment for social interaction and exchange of ideas at all levels of education, including undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty.
Student Chapter Benefits
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- Access to promote events and feature stories in the weekly newsletter, BMES Briefs.
- Access to the Student Chapter Playbook
- Invitation to attend Ed Talks, webinars, and virtual lectures with some of the industry’s top professionals.
- Eligibility to hold a chapter Ed Talk.
- Ability to compete for an Annual Chapter Award.
- Access to the Chapter Development Report (CDR) assistance manual.
How to Establish or Renew a Student Chapter
Undergraduate/Graduate Student Chapter
University Student Chapters must meet the following minimum requirements:
- Ten (10) BMES Student Members
- One (1) BMES Professional Member as their Faculty Advisor
Dual University Chapters
Two universities forming a single Chapter must meet the following minimum requirements:
- Fifteen (15) BMES Student Members
- Two (2) BMES Professional Members as their Faculty Advisors
High School Chapters
High School Student Chapters need to meet the following minimum requirements:
- Five (5) BMES Student Members
- One (1) Faculty Advisor — being an active BMES member, while encouraged, is not required
Chapter List
Annual Renewal Information
Chapter Committees & Programs
Recommendations for Establishing Committees and Programs
Chapter Committees
In general, committees exist to put emphasis on various chapter activities. When appointing committees, the officers should be mindful of expectations and goals.
When organizing Chapter Committees, it is important:- The purpose and objectives of the committee are well defined.
- The members of the committee understand their respective responsibilities.
- The committee has clearly defined goals.
Possible Chapter Committees:
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee serves to promote the growth of the chapter through membership recruitment throughout the student body.
Program Committee
The purpose of the Program Committee is to coordinate, promote, and supervise all the program activities of the chapter.
Mentor Program Committee
The purpose of the Mentor Program Committee is to help younger/newer students identify mentors from the senior level/upper class students.
Constitution and Bylaws Committee
This purpose of the C&B Committee is to review and make recommendations for changes to the Student Chapter’s C&B.
Special Committees
Other committees may be established as required. Their functions will be delegated by the Chapter President.
Chapter Programs
Student chapter programs can be divided into three types: technical, professional, and social.
- Technical programs focus on biomedical engineering technology—its advances and development.
- Professional programs provide students with information on interviewing and resumes, as well as the profession’s expectations beyond the technical information learned in school.
- Social programs give student members an opportunity to interact outside the structured learning environment.
Providing a balanced approach to chapter programs should benefit the student, the chapter, BMES, and the educational institution. They also provide a basis for an award system to recognize outstanding student chapters.
BMES recognizes our student chapters' outstanding contributions to the biomedical engineering field by awarding those who demonstrate leadership, commitment, growth, integrity, and ingenuity.
In order to be considered for one of the awards, you must be a compliant student chapter and you must submit a Chapter Development Report (CDR) by May 1.
Job Board
The mentorship program pairs student biomedical engineers with an established professional (mentor) who has agreed to be in communication with the chapter for guidance or help on a specific program, activity, or student chapter workshop.
The program provides participants with the following benefits:
- one-on-one interactions with a more senior biomedical engineer who will serve as a project mentor
- an opportunity to receive evaluation and advice from their mentor
- a continuing opportunity to expand their mentoring, collaboration, and networks
Chapter Constitution & Bylaws
Once your Student Chapter Charter is accepted, you will receive a welcome letter and a copy of the Student Chapter Constitution.
The BMES Student Chapter must be referred to as BMES Student Chapter followed by the name or acronym of the university. For example, BMES Student Chapter San Jose State University or BMES Student Chapter SJSU. BMES Student Chapters cannot refer to themselves simply as BMES as this refers only to the Biomedical Engineering Society and is a trademark.
The first Chapter meeting should be held to:
- Elect officers.
- Create a Constitution and Bylaws.
Recommendations for Student Chapter Operations
The student chapter is governed by elected officers subject to their Constitution and Bylaws.
Faculty Advisor
The Faculty Advisor maintains the ultimate responsibility and continuity for the Student Chapter.
The Faculty Advisor must be a member or Fellow of the Biomedical Engineering Society in good standing.
Chapter Officers
The basic structure of a student chapter should include the Faculty Advisor and the chapter officers. The chapter officers should include a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. A Student Affairs representative may be added as well. The Faculty Advisor is responsible for assuring the chapter’s compliance with all university and Society policies and improving the chapter’s leadership and activity programs. Additional officers may be added depending upon Chapter’s goals.
Recommendation for Electing Chapter Officers
To ensure continuity between the incoming and outgoing officers of a Student Chapter, BMES recommends (in conjunction with the Student Chapter’s Constitution and Bylaws) the President appoint a Nominating Committee (at the Chapter’s late fall meeting) of three voting members in good standing. At least one former officer should be appointed to this committee. The chapter President should instruct the committee:
- To present, at a pre-election meeting, a slate of nominees to be voted on at the election meeting. Nominees should be for the offices of:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Student Affairs Representative and,
- Any additional offices developed by the chapter.
- To obtain, from each nominee, a declaration of willingness to accept responsibility and serve in the designated office.
- To prepare and bring before the election meeting, a short personal history/bio of each nominee.
At the election meeting, the chapter President should again present the names of the nominees. The President may request additional nominations, for each office from the floor. It is also the duty of the President to ensure all person’s voting are members qualified to vote. All new officers should take office in March to guarantee a period of overlap and support from the outgoing officers during their initial period in office.
Chapter Playbook
The Student Chapter Playbook is a compendium of successful chapter activities, workshops, events, and fundraisers, taken from the annual Student Chapter Development Reports. These development reports are open to any compliant BMES student chapter to submit and are evaluated to award BMES eight outstanding student chapter awards.
This Playbook was developed to help our chapters, new and old, make better use of their time by minimizing the brainstorming and planning stage and maximizing chapter benefits by bringing great ideas to your door. Inside you'll find programs covering all the main areas chapters focus on, including;
Fundraising Activities and Programs
Industry Activities and Programs
Mentorship Activities and Programs
Inter-Chapter Activities and Programs
Community Outreach Activities and Programs
Social Activities and Programs, marked Other
This Playbook is intended to be a living document and as such, will be updated annually after the submission of the May CDRs (Chapter Development Reports). All CDRs are evaluated for new and impressive programs, and those activities are added to the Playbook.
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