CMBE Presenter Page

Poster Size: 

  • All posters should lay flat when unrolled and able to completely fit within and affixed to a 4ft tall x 6ft wide cork display board.
  • Print poster horizontally for optimal viewing.
  • Posters may be taped or tacked to the board— push pins will be available on each cork display board.


Poster Materials: 

  • Poster session materials can be one or more of the following:
  1. Thin cardboard, regular paper, or cloth with text of the actual research paper printed in large text
  2. Photos and graphics
  3. Thin cardboard or regular paper copies of PowerPoint slides
  • Overlapping paper will not be allowed, and we will have to take down those posters from display if they exceed 4ft tall x 6 ft wide.
  • Three-dimensional items that cannot be attached with tape or push pins will not be allowed.
  • Due to space restrictions, we cannot provide tables for additional display space, but the cork boards will be attached to their stand.


Presentation Details: 

 Cork display boards will be numbered with a card corresponding to the number we assigned your poster in the exhibit hall. 

You will display your poster only in your designated location on the presentation day. 

 Presentation Day: 

Posters can be put up starting on Jan 3 at 7am. Posters should be taken down by Jan 6 at 1pm


CMBE is not responsible for any poster left out after 1:00 PM on January 6th. 

Oral Presenter Details:

Room Setup:

Your room will be set with 16:9 wide screen HDMI projection. You will have access to a Window s-compatible computer, projector, screen, a podium with microphone, Wi-Fi, and overhead sound.

If you are using animations in your presentation, we recommend you bring a second deck that excludes these in the event they do not transfer properly on the presentation day.

Presentation Day:

Please arrive at least 20 min early to test your presentation and perform a sound check. Prior to arrival, please upload your presentation to a memory stick or flash drive. If you are having difficulties or need help (e.g., transferability), please do not try to connect to another laptop — including your own.


If you have additional questions, please contact Ben Crosgrove - and Keyue Shen -