The American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) is a non-profit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., representing 50,000 individuals and the top medical and biological engineers.
In addition, AIMBE represents academic institutions, private industry, and professional engineering societies. AIMBE was founded in 1991 and its current vision is to provide leadership and advocacy in medical and biological engineering for the benefit of society.
AIMBE Goals Include:
Communicate objectively with, and respond to, U.S. and state government agencies, Congress, industry, academia, and professional societies by advocating and providing service to the public via medical and biological engineering
Contribute to public policy-making to advance medical and biological engineering and benefit the general public
Work to ensure appropriate private and public investment to advance medical and biological engineering translational research and innovation
Inspire, educate, and involve young people who will be the future leaders of medical and biological engineering
Promote intersociety and multi-disciplinary cooperation within the medical and biological engineering community
Recognize and honor individual and group achievements and contributions to the field of medical and biological engineering
Additional Resources:
AIMBE Flash: Catch up with today’s news at the intersection of public policy and biomedical innovation.
Visit AIMBE's Navigate the Circuit to learn about:
What is Biomedical Engineering
Career options for BMEs
Finding a university degree program
And more