News | Biomedical Engineering Society

Call for Candidates: Seeking Two Editors-in-Chief for BMES Journals

Written by BMES | 11/20/2023
Open Editor-in-Chief Positions for BMES Journals:

Annals of Biomedical Engineering (ABME) 

Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering (CMBE) 

About the Journals 
The Annals of Biomedical Engineering (AMBE) and the Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Journal (CMBE) are two of the Biomedical Engineering Society journals published by Springer-Nature. The Journals attract a diverse set of articles from academia and industry and achieved enviable success. Both Journals publish original research and review articles that advance their fields, and are indexed in Pubmed, SCOPUS, SciSearch, and Journal Citation Reports.
About the Roles
We are looking for an Editor-in-Chief for each journal with relevant backgrounds to the field and the vision and desire to continue the journal’s growth, maintain its reputation, and work productively with Sprinter-Nature and BMES staff. Both roles will serve an initial three-year term, with the potential for a second three-year term.

Annals of Biomedical Engineering (ABME)
The ABME Journal is currently publishing its 51st volume with 12 issues per volume. Over the past four years the journal has published an average of 50 articles per issue. The impact factor in 2022 was 3.8, with a five-year impact factor of 4.0. 

Applicants interested in the open AMBE position should submit a cover letter and vision statement, along with a curriculum vitae highlighting prior journal editorial experience, no later than January 31, 2024, to the Chair of the ABME Search Committee, Emmanuel (“Manny”) Opara (

Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering (CMBE) Joural
The CMBE Journal is currently publishing its 16th volume, with six issues per volume. Over the past four years, the journal published an average of 50 articles per year. The impact factor in 2022 was 2.8, and 3.337 in 2021. 

Applicants interested in the CMBE position should submit a cover letter and vision statement, along with a curriculum vitae highlighting prior journal editorial experience, no later than January 31, 2024, to the Chair of the CMBE Search Committee, Alisa Morss Clyne (