News | Biomedical Engineering Society


Written by BMES | 03/18/2021

March 18, 2021

In recent months, we, in the United States, have witnessed an increase in acts, and reporting, of xenophobia, racism, and violence against Asians and Asian-Americans, and Pacific Islanders (AAPI). Since the start of the pandemic, over 3,000 hate incidents have been recorded (ref: National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA)). We unequivocally condemn these anti-Asian, anti-AAPI actions.

The BMES community is enriched by the diversity of its members. We want our members who are Asian and AAPI to know you are seen. We want the community at large to know we will never be silent when there are acts of hate. We will continue to be a leading force in support of our diverse BME community so that our members are safe and can thrive.

We acknowledge racism and xenophobia can take on different forms depending on which group is targeted. Last year, we publicly pledged to address bias and discrimination in our Society and rewrite the BMES code of conduct to call for zero-tolerance for racism. We strengthen that pledge today as we look to support the Asian and AAPI members of our BMES community.

John White
Professor and Chair of Biomedical Engineering at Boston University
Evangelia Bellas
Diversity Committee Chair
Assistant Professor, Temple University