Computational Biomedical Engineering
About Computational Biomedical Engineering
Given the dramatic increase in mathematical complexity required to solve many emerging problems in biomedical engineering, the Computational Biomedical Engineering (BME) SIG provides BMES members the opportunity to network with like-minded colleagues to facilitate the exchange of ideas and viewpoints in the area of computational BME. It helps to give the field a venue where investigators can gather in one place to learn about the development and application of computational tools and techniques. The Computational BME SIG also helps BMES more broadly as a Society because members have a direct avenue to engage investigators with this expertise. Finally, the educational symposia the SIG offers at the BMES Annual Meetings provides members with a mechanism/vehicle for professional development in computation.
Purpose of Computational BME-SIG
The specific objectives for the Computational BME SIG are to provide:
A community for biomedical engineers who include a large computational component in their work to have a venue to exchange ideas and learn from one another.
BMES members with a ready list and access to colleagues with expertise in computation.
Professional development opportunities in the area of computation.