Working toward helping BMES meet its mission and vision goals, the committees of BMES play an important role in creating and supporting the organization's programs, and services. This work, aligned with the strategic direction of the Society, supports the growth of both fields of biomedical engineering and BMES.
Every year, we look to refresh the makeup of certain committees. Consider sharing your experience and expertise to help grow the field by joining a committee. Committee work also helps its members develop skills that benefit them personally and professionally. As a committee member, you will be on the path towards leadership positions and BMES Fellowship.
- Must be a current member in good standing at the time of application.
- Must maintain your membership status during your term on a committee (students are encouraged to apply, but are non-voting members).
- Must be willing to serve a 3-year term.
- Must be an active, collaborative participant in committee meetings.
Committee chairs are advised to select a diverse committee with different academic and industry ranks, from the public and private sectors, and from varied geographic regions. BMES does not discriminate on the basis of race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, identity, or gender expression.
For information about committee charges, please see below.
For questions, contact
Deadlines for applying to committees vary and will be posted on
BMES Committees
Accreditation Activities Committee
Charge: Oversee and manage the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) relationship and the accreditation process and recruit volunteers to conduct ABET reviews. Coordinate, as needed, with the Education Committee to ensure two-way communication about educational best practices, policies, and directions. Coordinate, as needed, with efforts leading to PE Licensure.
Affiliations Committee
Charge: Identify appropriate outside groups with whom BMES may partner to ensure the promotion of BMES activities.
Awards Committee
Charge: Select and secure awardees for the major BMES Awards, including the Rita Schaffer Young Investigator Award, the BMES Diversity Award, the Pritzker Award, the Distinguished Service Award, the BMES Undergraduate and Graduate Design Awards, and all other awards that may be initiated by the Society.
Diversity Committee
Charge: To develop programming to ensure participation in BMES events from a diverse community of biomedical engineers.
Education Committee
Charge: Conduct needs assessment(s) of BMES members to determine educational needs to provide high-quality educational opportunities to members to support their research and career development. Coordinate, as needed, with the Accreditation Committee to ensure two-way communication about educational best practices, policies, and directions. Coordinate, as needed, with efforts leading to PE Licensure.
Ethics Subcommittee
(Subcommittee of Education Committee)
Charge: Educate, implement, model, and monitor a code of ethical conduct for the BME community.
Fellows Nominating Committee
Charge: To annually recommend a slate of BMES Member-level candidates to be promoted to Fellow-level membership.
Finance Board
Charge: Manage all BMES investments and oversee the implementation of recommendations from auditors to ensure BMES’ financial health.
Industry and Clinical Affairs Committee
Charge: To foster relationships between BMES and industry that span a range of educational, research, engagement, and outreach activities of common interest.
International Affairs Subcommittee
(Subcommittee of National Meetings Committee)
Charge: To identify opportunities to expand the BMES membership and presence internationally.
Long Range Planning Committee
Charge: Develop a Strategic Plan and monitor its progress.
Membership Committee
Charge: Oversee membership recruitment and retention campaigns designed to promote industry, academic, and clinical membership growth.
National Meetings Committee
Charge: Oversee the planning and development of the Society’s annual meeting and maintain the high quality of scientific presentations on BME research.
Nominating Committee
Charge: Prepare lists of nominees chosen from the voting members of the Society for candidacy to the office of President-Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary, and to the Board of Directors and ascertain the willingness of each nominee to serve if elected and to attend, without expense to the Society, the regular meetings of the Board of Directors. Every two years the Nominating Committee shall also recommend to the Board a new member of the Publications Board according to Article 8.1 of the Bylaws.
Public Affairs Committee
Charge: Identify all commercial and government developments pertaining to the realm of biomedical engineering including pending legislation, policies, initiatives, and outcomes and work with the Executive Director and Board of Directors to review such information and recommend appropriate communication directives and policies to the President and Board of Directors. The committee also promotes recognition and visibility of biomedical engineering in the government, media, and public.
Publications Board
Charge: To develop and communicate biomedical engineering research via the BMES Journals: Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Cardiovascular Engineering and Technologies, Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, and Biomedical Engineering Education.
Student Affairs Subcommittee
(Subcommittee of Membership Committee)
Charge: To ensure pathways for student involvement in the Society and to support and grow the Society’s Student Chapter network. The Student Affairs Committee is also charged with selecting awardees for Student Travel Grants and BMES Student Chapter Awards.