Diversity & Inclusion

BMES strives to build and nurture a culture and community of inclusiveness. That means recruiting board members, staff, and members who are representative of the BME profession across race, gender, age, religion, identity, and experience. We are committed to:
Continually seeking personal, organizational, and social transformation, with sensitivity of those marginalized by society's past and present patterns of discrimination.
Confronting and dismantling discriminatory behavior wherever it may manifest individually or organizationally.
Intentionally seeking partners, participants, and contributors to our programs, events, and publications that mirror the diversity of our Society with special efforts to welcome those who are underrepresented.
Utilize resources to develop solutions and create new paradigms to remove the feeling of isolation that many minority students, postdoctoral fellows, junior faculties, and professional biomedical engineers experience.
Promote lifelong high-quality education and career advancement of a diverse community and workforce.
Areas Where We Work
Biomedical Engineering Minority Network
The goal of the BME Minority Network is to increase the number of underrepresented minorities in BME and to enhance their career success through a well-developed professional network. The Network will serve as a resource and repository for information, contacts, and guidance to maintain connectivity among URM and others in the field toward career progression and enhancement.
Partnership with the National Society of Black Engineers
BMES is supporting NSBE’s goal of increasing the number of underserved minorities graduating from engineering programs.
BMES is developing a learning module for NSBE’s summer program for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. The SEEK program is a fun, hands-on experience designed to expose students to STEM disciplines.
Diversity Lecture Awards
Honors an individual, project, organization, or institution for outstanding contributions to improving gender and racial diversity in biomedical engineering. The Diversity Award recipient delivers a keynote address at the BMES Annual Meeting.
BMES Diversity Awards Recipients
2021 - C. LaShan Simpson, PhD
2020 - Aaron Kyle, PhD
2019 - Steven D. Abramowitch, PhD
2018 - Anjelica Gonzalez, PhD
2017 - Manu Platt, PhD
2016 - Srinivas Sridhar, PhD
2015 - The City College of New York Department of BME
2014 - Naomi Chesler, PhD
2013 - Cornell University BME Department
2012 - William M. Reichert, PhD
2011 - Cato Laurencin, PhD
2010 - Gilda A. Barabino, PhD
2009 - Sheldon Weinbaum, PhD
Travel Awards for Underrepresented Students and Professionals
The Career Development Awards and NSBE Student Awards are intended to enable Annual Meeting attendance from students, postdoctoral fellows, early career faculty, and early career professionals from underrepresented populations in biomedical engineering who would benefit from conference programming, network, and establish connections with the potential for career-long impact.
Celebration of Minorities and Woman in BME Luncheons
Organized by the BMES Diversity Committee to create a community and network within the Society that fosters support and professional development of minorities and women in BMES at all levels.
LGBT Social Networking Event
A networking event at the BMES Annual Meeting that brings in a speaker to share their experiences and network with members and supporters of the community.
High School Expo
The goal is to broaden awareness of the BME collegiate path and STEM discipline to high school students from schools that might not have a STEM curriculum. The program gives regional underrepresented minority high school students the opportunity to connect and network with biomedical engineers, students, faculty, and industry and gain exposure to the biomedical engineering field.
Connect URMs with Leaders in the Field
The webinars are intended to give BMES members who are part of and support underrepresented groups a chance to hear from and interact with leaders in the field. The main goals are to provide a means to bridge the gap between highly regarded scientists and students, post-doctoral fellows, industry, and faculty across institutions and to help forge new relationships.