Student Volunteer Program

Volunteer Applications Update

Acceptance notices have been sent out from If you did not hear back with an acceptance notice, we encourage you to apply again next year.

No Longer Accepting Volunteer Applications

Volunteers play an extremely important role in the meeting’s overall success, and we appreciate the time commitment. With your help, we can ensure our attendees have a great experience that leaves them excited to return next year.

 As a thank you for your service, student volunteers will pay a discounted registration rate of $100.00 for the full conference. This discounted registration is available to students who commit to work at least 8-10 hours at the meeting. We will do our best to accommodate your volunteer preferences. We have limited volunteer slots, so the more flexible you are, the higher the possibility of being chosen as a BMES 2024 student volunteer.

The application deadline has passed.

 If you are interested in volunteering at the 2024 BMES Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD, please read the details below before submitting the application form linked at the bottom of the page.

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